Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Date Published:
Tuesday 28 March 2017
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

After months of hard work, students at Teesdale put on a fantastic performance of 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' last week - For more photos visit our photo gallery here.

We wanted to say a big well done to everyone involved, including:

Narrators - Mackenzie Kellett, Catherine Soulsby, Louise Meek

Joseph - Sam Nixon

Jacob - Alex Renfrew

Potiphar - Cal Baker

Pharoah - David Purkiss

Mrs Potiphar - Katherine Harding

Reuben - Kirsty McLachlan

Simeon - Lucy Marie

Levi - Elanor Kipling

Naphtali - Heather McLachlan

Issachar - Grace Tarpey

Asher - Ethan Rawlins

Dan - Jessica Turner

Zebulon - Nicole Thompson

Gad - Jacob Windle

Benjamin - Charlie Turner

Judah - Heidi Baker

Butler - Izzy Marshall

Baker - Scarlett Jones

Ishmalites - David Purkiss, Cal Baker

Chorus - Harriet Morris, Kyaana Clark-Stewart, Niamh Linsley, Maisie Beckley, Izzy Yeadon, Amelia Dominick, Talia Zipfel, Sian Williams, Izzy Marshall, Scarlett Jones.

Special thanks to Derek Nixon for his excellent camel-creating skills and to Chetwynde School inBarrow-in-Furness for their kind loan of rehearsal material and Liz Skinner for the generous loan of the beautiful hand-crafted Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. 

Well done everyone!