
Postgrad conference

Date Published:
Monday 05 November 2018

On Saturday, two of our sixth form students, Nina and Cal, attended the British Association of American Studies Annual Postgraduate Conference, held at Northumberland University.

The theme of the conference was ‘Antecedents and Legacies of 1968’ – a tumultuous year not only in the United States but also across the globe. 

One of those presenting a paper was Gabriel Hogg, an alumnus of Teesdale Sixth Form, who studied A level history during his time with us. Gabriel has recently returned from a research trip to San Francisco and is a PhD student at Northumbria University. His paper entitled ‘Black and White Unite and Fight,’ explored the experience of the African American communities during the 1934 strike wave.

It was great for Nina and Cal to be able to speak with Gabriel about his research and relate to him as an ex-Teesdale sixth former. 

Dr Simon Henderson, Head of Sixth Form, said, “It is great that our extensive network of alumni can open up these possibilities for current students. It is very powerful for our students to see the success that has been achieved by those whose footsteps they follow in and is another example of the excellent opportunities that our sixth form students are able to access.”

Postgrad conference