

Science is the study of the world around us, how it functions and how it might change in the future. It is a lot more than a collection of facts and figures; it is a process for learning about the natural world, the study of elements of the Earth and beyond, into the observable universe.

We can all have ideas about how the world might work or why something might happen, but science allows us to make predictions, design experiments and test those ideas. From the motion of particles too tiny to see, to the life and death of giant stars in distant galaxies, the science department's goal is to start you on a pathway of discovery about the universe that will last a lifetime.  

The achievement of your science qualifications at GCSE, whether that be following the Combined Science Award or the three individual sciences of biology, chemistry and physics, will open doors for you throughout your life. As a student of science, we will not only increase your knowledge and curiosity of science... we will make you into a scientist!  

At Teesdale, we ensure that your child is well-equipped to begin GCSE at the beginning of Year 10 and work with each family to determine whether the Combined Science or Separate Science route is right for you.

Within the Sixth Form, we have very successful programmes in A Level biology, A Level chemistry, A Level physics and A Level psychology. All of our teachers are involved in delivery across the key stages, meaning their subject knowledge and awareness of exam requirements is a key strength. We pride ourselves on developing ‘young scientists’ and encourage investigation beyond the classroom in our extra-curricular opportunities, these include nature club and science club.

Curriculum information







  • Working scientifically
  • Energy and fuels
  • Cells and organisation 1
  • Matter
  • Pure and impure substances 1
  • Describing forces and motion 1
  • Reproduction 
  • Space physics 1
  • Sound waves


  • Relationships in an ecosystem 1
  • Atoms and periodic table 1
  • Current and static electricity 1



  • Energy changes and systems 1
  • Cellular respiration 1
  • Human organs systems and health
  • Atoms and periodic table 2
  • Forces and pressure 
  • Photosynthesis
  • Chemical reactions 1
  • Waves 1


  • Genetics and evolution
  • Earth and atmosphere 1
  • Magnetism 1


  • Cells and organisation 2a
  • Pure and impure substances 2
  • Atoms and the periodic table 2
  • Energy changes and systems 2
  • Describing forces and motion 2
  • Cells and organisation 2b
  • Photosynthesis 2
  • Chemical reactions 2
  • Current and static electricity 2
  • Magnetism 2
  • Cellular respiration 2
  • Relationships in an ecosystem 2
  • Earth and atmosphere 2
  • Waves 2
  • Chemical reactions 3




  • Ecology
  • Health & infectious disease



  • Structure and bonding
  • Chemical changes & electrolysis



  • Conservation and dissipation of energy
  • Electric circuits and electricity in the home
  • Molecules and matter


  • Inheritance, variation, and evolution



  • Quantitative Chemistry
  • Rates of reaction



  • Radioactivity
  • Forces in balance
  • Forces & motion


  • Organisation (recap)



  • Organic Chemistry



  • Energy (recap)



  • Ecology  


  • Earth’s atmosphere
  • Using resources


  • Electromagnetic waves 
  • Magnetism

Mock paper 2


  • Cell biology
  • Organisation
  • Bioenergetics
  • Infection  


  • Atomic structure
  • Bonding
  • Quantitative calculations
  • Chemical and energy changes


  • Energy
  • Electricity
  • Molecules in matter
  • Atomic structure 

Mock Paper 1

  • Tailored revision in preparation for GCSE examination



I find science a fascinating subject which I always look forward to in my week. It’s mind-blowing to be able to calculate the number of molecules in a droplet of water.
Year 10 student
Science teaches students to safely practice science experiments as soon as you join the school. Sometimes when you leave a classroom your learning leaves your head, but in science, everything is practiced and remembered.
Year 7 student